Pakistan - Food Systems Dashboard
National Agriculture Education Accreditation Council, NAEAC Pakistan

About Us

About Us

In recent years, the Higher Education Commission (HEC), Government of Pakistan has taken several initiatives to improve both access to and quality of higher education. The establishment of the Accreditation Councils is a major step towards improving the quality and bringing it at par with the international standards. Accreditation is both about quality assurance and quality improvement. Accreditation process determines the minimum acceptable educational standard. The Higher Education Commission established the National Agriculture Education Accreditation Council (NAEAC) in 2007 having representation of experts from agricultural universities and research institutions, leading industries and R&D institutions in public and private sectors.

Mission Statement

Developing a dynamic and evolving mechanism of quality assurance of agriculture and allied education to meet the current and emerging challenges of knowledge economy.


  1. Administer the accreditation process based on the approved policies, procedures and criteria.
  2. Maintain a roster of highly qualified and experienced evaluators and constitute Accreditation Inspection Committee (AIC) of evaluators for the accreditation of agriculture education institutions and their accredited degree programs.
  3. Collect, compile and develop a database of agriculture and allied education institutions and their accredited degree programs.
  4. Promote and Publish pertinent information on the need and value of accreditation as well as ranking/rating of agriculture and allied degree programs.
  5. Registration of Agriculture and Allied Graduates


  1. Organize and carryout comprehensive accreditation of agriculture and allied programs leading to degrees/diplomas based on approved policies, procedures and criteria, and publish a list of ranking of degree programs.
  2. Develop accreditation policies, processes, guidelines, and procedures for program evaluators.
  3. Approve the list of evaluators selected through HEC approved criteria to participate in the process of accreditation of academic programs and constitute AICs from approved list of evaluators.
  4. Develop evaluators training manual/self-study material, questionnaires, forms and templates relating to accreditation.
  5. Collect information, statistics of higher education of agriculture & allied degree programs and its respective institutions and publish them as deemed necessary.

Scope of NAEAC

All agriculture and allied degree programs offering by Public /Private Sector institutions fall under the purview of NAEAC including:

  1. Agricultural Biotechnology
  2. Agricultural Chemistry
  3. Agricultural Economics
  4. Agricultural Education and Extension
  5. Agricultural Entomology
  6. Agronomy
  7. Animal Science
  8. Climate Change/Climate Studies
  9. Crop Physiology
  10. Dairy Science / Dairy Technology
  11. Environmental Science
  12. Forestry
  13. Fisheries and Aqua Culture
  14. Food Science and Technology
  1. Horticulture
  2. Human Nutrition and Dietetics
  3. Marketing and Agribusiness
  4. Nutritional Sciences / Nutrition and Dietetics
  5. Plant Breeding and Genetics
  6. Plant Protection
  7. Plant Pathology
  8. Poultry Science
  9. Range Management
  10. Soil and Environmental Science
  11. Seed Science and Technology
  12. Wildlife Management
  13. Weed Science

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